Ambigram Tattoos Designs
If you're thinking of getting an ambigram tattoo, then this article was written with you in mind. Specifically, we're going to talk about what an ambigram is, the reasons why you may want to get one, and finally - some quality examples you can use. By the time you've finished reading, you're going to understand ambigram tattoos in much greater detail. So let's begin.
Ambigram Tattoos Designs
This can make for some very interesting and meaningful tattoos, which is one of the main reasons why people choose them. Usually, people will choose a particular word which has a powerful meaning to them, or something that just seems interesting and strikes a chord with their personality.

Ambigram Tattoos Designs
Some common examples include Faith and Hope. In true ambigram style, it will read faith from one direction, and hope from the other. This is commonly used on the forearm - but you can choose to have it anywhere you wish.

Ambigram Tattoos Designs
Calligraphic Tattooing Of all the types of tattoos which have become popular in recent years, tattoos which feature various forms of ornate writing are among the most visually stunning. Oftentimes, these are ambigram tattoos that can be read backwards, forwards or upside down and which will still spell out the same word. Calligraphic art is one of the oldest and most established of forms and the effect is really quite elegant. Because most of these tattoos are monochrome, they are also usually very inexpensive yet have as much impact as a tattoo that may cost thousands of dollars. While it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words, sometimes a word can say more than a thousand pictures.
Ambigram Tattoos Designs
Ambigrams may be a single word or a phrase. What's more, they need not be restricted to one language. Many alphabets will work for this effect. The type of calligraphy used can vary as much as do individual preferences, as well. If one prefers dense Germanic script, for instance, this can be adapted to the purposes of an ambigram just as can medieval script, modern typography or any other font. A good example of how flexible this form of art truly can be can be found in many company logos which feature modern fonts that spell out ambigrams.

Ambigram Tattoos Designs
These tattoos are great conversation starters and carry with them an element of literary sensitivity. After all, of all the things which one can choose to adorn one's body the bearer of one of these tattoos has chosen a word. These tattoos work in most any orientation on the body and in most any part of the body. It may be more attractive where very ornate designs are concerned to have the tattoo placed on a larger part of the body where it can be displayed in all its glory. Smaller ambigrams lend themselves well to the arms and wrists and, in some cases, to a vertical orientation.
Ambigram Tattoos Designs
For tattoo aficionados, there's a dictionary of ambigram designs to choose from, and a great range of scripts and fonts, from simply elegant to graphically gothic. A design may consist of a single word or an entire phrase. Depending on the ambigram's concept, it can be rotated, reversed, or reflected in mirrors, with the meaning sometimes changing, sometimes remaining the same. Looked at one way, you might see a devil, but turn it around and an angel appears, or at least the way the figure is spelled! The best tattoo artists can create an optical illusion with an intriguing graphic design that never fails to intrigue.

Ambigram Tattoos Designs
Ambigrams are popular with graphic artists, due not only to their unique symmetry but to their mysterious quality so readily appreciated on music albums and book jackets. Paul McCartney is but one of many rock musicians who have featured an ambigram on at least one of his albums.

Ambigram Tattoos Designs

Ambigram Tattoos Designs

Ambigram Tattoos Designs

Ambigram Tattoos Designs

Ambigram Tattoos Designs
Ambigram Tattoos Designs

Ambigram Tattoos Designs
Ambigram Tattoos Designs

Ambigram Tattoos Designs